Government Reinforces Commitment to Youth Empowerment at Nairobi College of Bread & Confectionery

Dr. Ismail Maalim

15th June, 2024 marked a significant moment at Nairobi College of Bread & Confectionery as Dr. Ismail Maalim, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy & Sports, paid a courtesy visit to inspect the Vijana Vuka na Afya (VIVA) project. His visit underscored the Kenya Kwanza administration’s unwavering dedication to supporting the youth of Kenya.

During his inspection of the VIVA project, Dr. Ismail Maalim reiterated his commitment to fostering youth empowerment initiatives across the country. The VIVA project, aimed at integrating health education with entrepreneurial skills in the field of confectionery, has been a cornerstone of the Ministry’s efforts to equip young Kenyans with practical skills and knowledge.

In his address to students and faculty, Dr. Maalim highlighted the importance of initiatives like VIVA in nurturing a skilled and empowered youth population. “Our administration prioritizes initiatives that not only educate but also empower our youth to become productive contributors to our economy,” he affirmed.

Vijana Vuka na Afya (VIVA) project
Vijana Vuka na Afya (VIVA) Youth Programme project

The Nairobi College of Bread & Confectionery, known for its innovative approach to vocational training in baking and confectionery, received commendation from the PS for its role in shaping the future of Kenya’s youth. He emphasized the need for more collaborative efforts between educational institutions and government agencies to ensure that youth development remains a top priority.

The visit concluded with assurances from Dr. Ismail Maalim of ongoing support and partnership with institutions like Nairobi College of Bread & Confectionery. “Under the Kenya Kwanza administration, we will continue to create opportunities and provide the necessary resources for our youth to thrive,” he assured the gathering.

As Kenya continues on its path of economic growth and development, initiatives such as VIVA serve as a testament to the government’s commitment to harnessing the potential of its youth. Through education, skills training, and targeted support, the future looks promising for young Kenyans aspiring to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond.

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